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Welcome to Psykovsky events page! Here you can purchase a ticket for the upcoming parties with 20-25% discount. You will only be able to do it though by paying with native PSYKO tokens which are available through Pancakeswap application on BNB Chain. Once you deposit PSYKO tokens to buy a ticket - Metamask will prompt you first for Approval and after that for your transaction confirmation. After your transaction is submitted and confirmed (usually happens within 20 seconds) you will be receive an alert message with all the information regarding your entrance to the upcoming event. Besides that you will be able to earn rewards upon your purchase in a dedicated PSYKO Rewards Pool. You can withdraw these rewards anytime and utilize or exchange your PSYKO tokens later. We recommend using desktop Windows with Metamask installed as a Chrome / Edge / Brave browser extension for better experience. Thanks for Your kind support! See You at the dancefloor 🙏

Psykovsky, KinDzaDza & Kerveros Records
Dark Dreams 4
Ticket Cost: {{ psykoEquivalentAmount }} ~ 110 EUR in PSYKO
Your Rewards: {{claimedDreams}} PSYKO


✨ Revolutionary
Rewards Ecosystem
on BNB Chain

it presents a groundbreaking fusion of music, blockchain technology, and community engagement. By introducing this feature, we redefine the concept of music ownership, transforming it into a rewarding and dynamic experience. Join us on this journey as we revolutionize the music industry and empower music enthusiasts worldwide.